Sunday, February 14, 2016

Birthday Bow Tie and Sunday Lately Week 59

This Bow Tie Tutorial by Grainline popped up in my blog feed earlier this week, and I just had to make a Birthday Bow Tie for my fiancé! He picked the fabric from my stash, and it turned out sooo pretty! As you can see, he's not afraid of wearing bright colors!

I might just have to put bows on everything I sew this year. 

Here's this weeks Sunday Lately inspired by Blogger Tribe:

- Updating - :: My wardrobe. I've got all the new clothes, but I want to go through my existing wardrobe and check what really fits me and what needs to go. I'm not sure where to find the inspiration to do this, but I'm thinking a bottle of wine and my sister.

- Remembering - :: When my fiancé and I started dating. It was his birthday this week and that made me feel surprisingly nostalgic. My birthday is only one month later though, so maybe it's the biological clock of doom that I'm hearing. 

- Needing - :: To keep all my ducks in a row just a little longer. Isn't it funny how we try to bargain with the forces in our life? "Please let me graduate in time, then everything will be so much better!" Except that it won't be. But a girl can dream.

- Wearing - :: Hopefully some new clothes out with my girlfriends this week. A drink in a bar with dear friends seems like pure heaven to me right now.

- Being - :: Reunited with my sewing machine. My Mom and I have joint custody of the sewing machine and serger, and the sewing machine came back home to me again, yay!

It's Sunday night in my part of the world now, so hope you all have a wonderful beginning to the next week!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Sunday Lately Week 58

I'm joining Blogger Tribe again this week with the weekly Sunday Lately word challenge. I missed two weeks, but now I'm back in the game. Sometimes something has got to give, and this time it was blogging. 

This is the last Christmas gift I'm making. I love how these are turning out.
- Creating - :: My creating still equals knitting. I miss sewing, but at this time sitting upright in a chair and concentrating sounds too challenging to me. Sofa, pillows, two dogs, Netflix and mindless knitting is all I want at the moment.

- Finding - :: A balance in life. This seems impossible at times, but then there are moments when you just know that you are in the right place doing the right things right now. Nothing gnaws at your self-esteem quite like self-doubt. 

Finally, a cardigan for myself. This yarn was a gift from abroad several years ago. I've run out of yarn (which I knew would happen), so now I need to find a soul mate color for it. Blue? Grey? Help!

- Switching - :: Gear. I'm slowly getting used to the idea that I won't be a student for much longer. At the same time there are still some hurdles, some bigger than other, to overcome before I get my degree. So I'm trying to keep my Zen no matter what happens in the upcoming months.

- Forgetting - :: What size knitting needles and which yarn I've used for a knitting project. Make notes, woman. Make notes.

- Craving - :: Excersize. The first signs of spring always makes me want to go for a run. At this moment some health challenges make running almost impossible, but some slow and gentle yoga might be on my horizon soon. YES!

This photo really doesn't make justice to the actual yellow color.

I've been really good lately with finishing projects before I cast on new ones, but now I couldn't help myself, and so one unfinished project became three. I fear there is no going back, since I'm now planning to knit another gift... Yep, this boat is sinking fast.

How are your boats floating? Are you sailing along smoothly or are you sinking like me?

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I Heart Green Cables

I'm still showing you what I made for Christmas. This time around three little guys got the I Heart Cables - hat in green. 

 The yarn is "7 veljestä" by Novita, which is a really good and versatile basic and affordable yarn.

You can't see it in the pictures, but there's an I-cord where the earflaps end. I knit up one hat following the instructions, but I thought it was too big. For the Christmas presents I made the hats more shallow by beginning the crown shaping earlier.

I've seen a couple I Heart Cables - hats pop up in my Bloglovin feed, and I especially love the colors Sari from LunaKnit used!

How is your February going? Are you feeling inspired by the increasing light? Or does it feel like there's still too much winter left in this winter?